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The “Real Life” of a Newly Published Writer

Hello everyone! Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet over here for the last few weeks. Fall is a busy season with my “real job,” not to mention garden harvesting, canning, and pre-winter house maintenance stuff. And as much as I love my real life, I’d really really love to be writing right now!

The Timekeepers’ War has been out for just over a month now and, as exciting as having my first ever novel out there in the real world is… I’ve been shocked and appalled to realize that the rest of the real world doesn’t go just away so that I can bask in my accomplishment. I’m gaining a new appreciation for all of the successful self-published and small press authors out there who are able to balance their personal and professional lives in this business! I’m going to make it a goal to post here at least once a week and try to go from there.

However, even though I’ve been busy, I’ve been thrilled to see some great reviews coming in on Amazon and Goodreads. Many of my first reviewers are wrapping up, and their feedback has been so positive! I also shipped out books for the winners of my very first Goodreads “First-Reads” giveaway, which ended on September 14th. Over 1200 people entered, and copies went out to readers in California, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, and Northern Ireland; it’s great to see The Timekeepers’ War making friends across the globe (okay, mostly just across the border, but we’re talking baby steps here). A new Goodreads giveaway is pending approval, and will be ending this Halloween. If you’d like to get your hands on a copy, be sure to enter!

If you are a book blogger interested in sci-fi, or are just plain curious about The Timekeepers’ War, please contact me for a review copy. Receiving a review copy in no way limits the type of review you can write. If you hate it (I hope you don’t!) you’re completely free to say so. So even if you’re unsure if The Timekeepers’ War is for you, don’t let that stop you from giving it a try.

Last but not least, thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy and supported my efforts thus far. I hope to have Book Two in The Timekeepers’ War trilogy finished next year. I know some of you are dying to know what happens to Ghost, Lynch, Cutter, and the rest… All I can tell you is that The Children of Bathora is a little darker and a little grittier than Book One. You’re in for a ride!

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