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Growing Pains

Most of you who follow the blog know me for my rambling about the trials and tribulations of being a storyteller. Once upon a time, this place was called Sarah Does Sci-Fi, and I just talked about reading and writing science fiction and my adventures in querying my first novel.

I also do commercial writing, though. My “real job,” the one that actually pays a living wage, is in providing writing services for businesses. I write copy for newsletters, websites, promotional articles, and I’ve even written a training manual for the transportation of bulk chemicals!

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be working to merge my creative and business writing into one place. The blog will be largely unaffected, but you may notice some changes as I fiddle around with the site and get the flow through where I’d like it to be.

New! Services for Creative Writers

I’m also expanding my business offerings to include some services for creative writers. I now provide developmental editing and coaching services to writers. This includes helping with the outlining, structuring, drafting, revising, and editing stages of any creative writing project you are working on. You can find details on the Writing Services page. Eventually, I will be linking all of my writing craft articles here as well, rather than on the blog.

Newsletter Sign-up!

I have always wanted to start an author newsletter, but I never really knew what to write in one when it seems like eons go between my book releases (I’m working on that!). However, I’ve been doing some research, and have made some decisions about what kind of content to post where, and I have decided that I can do this newsletter thing, too!

You may notice that you receive a pop-up prompt to sign up for my newsletter when you visit the page now. If you don’t, you will soon. I’m still experimenting with these settings. When you see it, please do sign up! I will be putting out a newsletter once a month–no spam, I promise–with more personal updates, the occasional freebie, and other fun things that you won’t be able to find on the site. If the pop-up doesn’t work, you can CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP for the newsletter.

I Want to Hear From You!

Do you subscribe to many email newsletters? What kind of content do you like best? What kinds of things would you like to hear from me? I have lots of ideas, but I’d love to hear yours, too. Leave a message in the comments!

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