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De-cluttering and Re-organizing Sarah Does Sci-Fi


So, I’ve been practicing housekeeping these days. I’m trying to have my living space reflect the glassy calm of the peaceful waters of my soul… or something. Except, of course, it doesn’t, so I have to force it. Probably because the “waters of my soul” are more like the roiling storm-tossed seas that enshroud the Kraken, and I thrive in chaos. My own chaos, anyway. I’m starting to get overwhelmed by the chaos that comes with living in a house with three children, four cats, and a dog. So, I’m enforcing calm now.

All that really means is that I clean the toilet every day and I try not to leave dishes in the sink before I go to bed. These are literally the only habits I have been able to establish. I mean, it’s not nothing. There is something to be said for having a clean toilet. I was sick last weekend and, I think, there are few moments of greater joy than that of the realization right before you hurl that the toilet that your face is inside is actually, blissfully clean.

Now I’m completely off topic.

Ah yes. De-cluttering and re-organizing.

So, my admittedly modest successes with housekeeping have inspired me to clean up my blog a bit, too. Lately I’ve been doing less blogging and more just sharing my short fiction. But my current categories aren’t really serving me, and are going to require a lot of “editing” of past posts to make them navigable to anyone visiting the page.

My short term solution has been to create a Flash Fiction and Short Stories links page that lists all of the posts with stories by title, genre, and word count so they’re easier to browse. Right now it’s all a bit willy-nilly as I just added them in the order I scrounged up the original links in. What do you think? Should I organize them by genre? By length? Alphabetically by title? By date written?

The more tedious work of fixing my categories is going to take much longer.

Check out the page, though. Please go through and read and comment on old stories. I still get notifications and will respond. Don’t be afraid to give me shit about any of them, either. Most of them will be revamped for an upcoming collection, so any and all feedback is welcome. I have pretty tough skin, so don’t be afraid to be brutally honest.

Oh, and I updated my “About” page, too. Apparently it’s been missing since 2014. Who knew?

So, what do you think about my plan? Any suggestions for how to better organize stuff here? How do you utilize the “categories” feature? I look forward to hearing from you.

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